Monday 17 August 2020

The Apple iPhone will be released on October 12


 The Apple iPhone will be released on October 12

Due to the global Corona virus epidemic, Apple Corps has decided to release its new iPhone on October 12, but the new version of the iPad will be released next month, in September.

According to a report published on the technology website "Tech Radar", it has been the tradition of Apple Corporation to release its new iPhone every year in the first or second week of September, along with new models of iPad etc. Are also brought to light. However, the Forge version will be a bit cheaper and the Forge iPhone is being considered expensive.

However, due to the global Corona virus outbreak this year (in 2020), the launch date of the new iPhone has been postponed by one month and it is likely to be unveiled to the users on October 12 or 13. In this regard, four new models of iPhone 12 will be introduced in two phases.

Tech Radar also reveals that only new iPads and Apple Watch 6 will be released at the September 8, 2020 event.

As before, different models of iPhone will be introduced this year, however, it is hoped that the "iPhone 12 Pro" will also have FiveG Internet support.

Although pre-order bookings for the iPhone 12 will begin on September 23, sources close to Apple Corps' products say that supplies may not begin before October 16.

So far, Apple has not announced the price of its new iPhone. However, according to some analysts, the price of the Forge version is said to be up to 800. Similarly, the iPhone 12 Pro Five G can be priced between 999 and 1099. But it is clear that these prices are not final and are only estimates.

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